Lemonade Anyone?

My daughter and I have this thing that we do... nothing fancy, just our fun way of making light of whatever situation we may find ourselves in:
When met with situations that go from bad to worse, we call them lemons.🍋
And when something that starts off bad turns into something not so bad, we call that lemonade.🍹

So last week, I had a 9am coffee meeting scheduled with a friend to go over a project. The night before, she texted to confirm and I asked if 9:30am would be ok—She responded with SURE!

The next day, my morning was thrown off a bit, so I texted at 8:59am letting her know that I’d arrive closer to 9:45am—She responded with NO WORRIES!

At 9:40am I was grabbing keys off the counter and sprinting through the door to jump in my truck, headed to the coffee shop that was 15 mins away. I texted once again to update my friend and she replied that it was such a beautiful morning to enjoy sitting outside and thanked me for the time to do so.

Simply put; a lemonade experience.

And I’ll be honest, it had all the makings of just being a lemon. And full transparency—not specifically with this friend, but there have been countless times where I’ve been the one waiting at the coffee shop, and had a day where I was overextended on my schedule or hadn’t slept well the night before; but I wasn’t as gracious. There’s a good chance that right around 9:55am or so (I arrived at 10am, traffic🙄), I would have started packing up and finishing up a text that suggested we try again for a time that was more convenient for her.

My daughter, Tori and I compare notes about how many lemons and lemonade experiences we have in a week (sometimes a day!) It makes for even more substantive conversations about the people in our lives and the role they play in the great lemon vs. lemonade debate😂

Thanks to all of you out there who somehow manage to regularly make lemonade. You make it seem so easy to just push through some of the “sour” parts of the day. 

My friend never even mentioned my extreme tardiness and was so patient with the time that we had (Ephesians 4:2). In that moment, when I got back in my truck, I committed to remembering that the next time I found myself in a  situation that can either be a lemon or lemonade.

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another love..png