Just Step Aside

Whooo, holding on to your faith #BeLeaf is probably one of the toughest things to do.  

I won’t say I had it easy growing up, lets start there. However, what I will say is that my parents; Bob and Mary, laid some serious foundation. I’m talking about that foundation that one has to have to endure certain things in life.  

I did things the safe way growing up. Got good grades, was in every sport, and every activity-you name it. I was sheltered some but hey, there was foundation being laid. :) 

Then college happened.. and it was in that season that I started to learn what it meant to hold on to your #BeLeaf. I had a baby, moved out, broke off an engagement, worked and went to school—just all the things.  I held on and kept pushing. Then I got married. Andddd boy,  why didn’t anyone tell me? 2 yrs later, my marriage ended and it was in that season that I said “screw this!!”

Any type of faith I had was shattered at this point. I felt like I had been a faithful servant and I was doing things “the right way” for the most part, so why am I now back to being a single mom who’s divorced? 

I wanted to walk away from my faith so bad….Like what faith? What greater? 

But there was always something…

I tried to commit suicide twice, but there was always something.  That “something” was what lured me away from the moment and distracted me. One of those somethings, was my friend saying lets do church Saturday so we could Sunday Funday! How crazy, but we all know why.. :) 

We all tend to have one scripture that serves as our foundation, mine is and has always  been Romans 8:18. I knew deep down that this season was not forever but holding on in that season felt like forever. 

I’m convinced I came out of that season because I had a foundation, a #BeLeaf of greater…A knowing that the sufferings of this present time were not worthy to be compared to greater in store and I knew that if I could just get back to that place of faith and step aside, I knew there was greater.. 

I write this with tears because my life looks so different and I am so fulfilled.  The last 10 years hasn’t been all roses but it is my foundation and #BeLeaf that has allowed me to experience and make it through parenting a teen who is being a teen, losing a parent, unstable work, and caring for a parent; amongst other things.  It is knowing that I am in a season, and having a supportive village that reminds me of the glory awaiting. 

So, hold tight to your #BeLeaf, knowing that the something that’s always there, is there for a reason. Lean into and don’t lose sight, just step aside.

-Your Resident Lush,


Natasha Williams is a Cincinnati, (Forest Park :) native. She is an HR and Wine professional with a 19 year old son. In her down time (which is never) she enjoys traveling, eating really good food, drinking even better wine and being around her many circles of friends enjoying good conversation and fellowship. #cheers

Tammy Barnett