Just Get Over The Hills

I’ve been bike riding with my husband, Harlon, these last few weeks. And bike riding is something he and I both enjoy doing individually, but rarely have the opportunity to do together.  Or better stated; an ideal ride for him is midday (when the temperature is at its highest) and getting at least 20-25 miles in at a fairly rapid pace.  I, however, bike as early in the day as I can (preferably just at sunrise), and if I get 5-8 miles in, I consider it a WIN!!!

Well, among the many by-products of living and getting used to our “new normal”; let’s just say my husband has more free time on the weekends than usual and bike riding has become a WE thing lately!! We rode for 15 miles on Saturday and by the 10th mile and 5th hill, I knew what I would be writing about this week...

You see, I found that each time my husband would announce that we were approaching a hill, I began to focus on how intimidating it appeared and the effort I would need to get over it. As we neared that 5th hill, however, I just steered my bike directly behind his and just focused on his back. Surprisingly, the hill wasn’t as challenging. And neither were the next three hills that we had to conquer before returning home! I reached my personal best of 15 miles in record time (I’ll keep the time to myself😂)!

I’m fairly certain that Proverbs 4:25–“Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you” NIV...was not directly written as the revealed word of God to address my bike ride on this past Saturday, but it sure applies and made me smile when I was preparing this week’s edition of PERFECTLY UNWRAPPING!

MY bike rides up a variety of hills may be YOUR:

  • Desire to launch a business based on that God-Given idea you have

  • Commitment to developing a healthier lifestyle

...It doesn’t matter...Focus straight ahead and fix your gaze—Most times it’s just a matter of getting over a few hills-

You’re almost there!!