It's Ok not to be Ok

My sisters and I started what we call a “Sisters Chat” a few years ago, because we were realizing that if we weren’t intentional about regularly checking in with one another, life would pass us by, and we were coming up short on being aware of what was happening in each of our very different worlds.

So once a week we jump on a virtual call and spend an hour updating one another. I’d say that 75% of the time, our chats consist of light humor and just the regular antics of our separate lives

...Like one of our husband’s rearranging the silverware drawer (nobody asked him to create a new system🤦🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️) during his vacation because he’s lost without football (Spoiler Alert: Only one of us is married, so I’m hoping my husband isn’t reading this weeks edition)...Or how one of our daughter’s was found hiding in her bedroom closet eating her mom’s secret Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup stash (guess that stash is not so secret after all😂)

However, sometimes when we talk, it’s not so light. Sometimes life hits us in such a way that while the rest of the world sees a smile, we jump on our Sisters Chat and we confess that we’re not ok

....And that’s when the other two sisters take on the responsibility of reminding the third sister that it’s ok to not be ok...And that having a week where while you’re masterfully juggling life at warp speed, something may happen, or you get some news that has the potential to stop you in your tracks and you find yourself searching for your next breath...😞It happens, right?

So maybe your version of “Sisters Chat”, is called Book Club, Women’s Fellowship or even Girls Night Out... Whatever the title, make sure you have space and people in your life where it’s ok to not be ok from time to time and hold your hand when you need a little help...

Those that will listen, cry, laugh and everything in between, while never forgetting to remind you that while we can do our very best for one another, we know that God is always just waiting for us to “chat” with Him!

For I, the LORD your God will hold your right hand, saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you.’
— Isaiah 41:13