The Best Heart Place EVER...💕

     I’ve been in a “heart” kind of place lately. Due in large part to recently being blessed with personally experiencing my daughter give birth to mine and my husband’s first grandchild earlier this month. I served in a Doula role and assisted my son-in-love and their midwife with the delivery of a beautiful and healthy baby girl.

     In these first two weeks of her life, I’ve found it near impossible to think of anything or anyone else but her.

     My heart is filled with so much love, hope and joy when I hold her and when she’s not in my arms or in my presence, I’m wondering what faces and sounds she’s making.

     My desire is for her life to be one that is filled with no disappointments, no obstacles and no unhappiness....But filled with the overwhelming presence of God in every step she takes, because those steps will have been ordered by Him. I want her to only know the overflowing joy of love that family and friends bring to your life. And among many other life lessons, I want her to know that EVERYTHING starts with the heart. 💕

     We honored Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on this past Monday and I’m a better person, citizen and Christian because so much of his work (books, speeches, and sermons) have been a part of my personal library since childhood.

He wrote in his 1963 book Strength To Love;

One day we will learn that the heart can never be totally right when the head is totally wrong.

     Like I initially stated, I’ve been in a “heart” place lately. My granddaughter’s birth helped to recalibrate the direction of where my heart has been, because of late-with all that’s happening in the world; I’ve been angry, sad, confused, and disgusted. I allowed external things and the machinations of others to “get in my head”, thus eventually, my heart.

But it didn’t take long after her birth to get my heart back in the right place. 

Pastor Colin Smith wrote

Our actions are the fruit grown in the secret garden of the heart-

     She’ll soon be able to observe and take note of my fruit (actions) and I only want for that to be sweet and pleasant in her eyes. 💕💕💕

Who keeps your heart in the right place when your mind is not?