Giving Is A Gift

By: Joetta Parker

GIVING…what an exciting topic! 

I say that because GIVING is one of my spiritual gifts.  The concept is so infused with who I am that I had to stop and really think about why is it so exciting for me?!

And I can’t up with this…I have a desire to see others do well and to give them hope.  I strongly believe that the blessings we receive are meant to be shared with others.  That’s right, they are not just for you and only your family. 

Usually, how GIVING works for me is out of no where, God brings someone to mind.  I connect with that person to discuss what is going on in there life.  Sometimes I get the response, “Nothing, I’m good” and I have to gently nudge and say “The Lord placed you on my heart, what’s going on?" From this conversation, I learn how I can serve and support the person through their situation.  Whether it is a hug, words of encouragement, a home cooked meal, walking them through a situation, or praying with them; GIVING allows me to make a difference in someone’s life.  And that’s why it is exciting to me!

I challenge you to follow up with someone the next time they pop in your mind and engage in the EXCITEMENT of GIVING. It might just be one of your gifts too!!

About the Author: “Hi! I am Joetta Parker.  I am married to a wonderful husband, have three amazing kids, and a very smart German Shepard."

Tammy Barnett