Enjoy The Blessings

At any given point of the day, at any time, at any given moment; I feel like I’m juggling two to three different tasks simultaneously. Can any of you relate?

While I’m loading the dishwasher, I’m mentally crafting an email response in my head pertaining to some project I’m working on. When I sit down to focus on that project, I’m thinking about the load of clothes that need to be tossed in the washer. Once I pour the detergent on that load, I remember that I need to schedule Nalah (my fur baby) for boarding the following week because we’ll be on vacation. And then.................Ahhhhhhhh vacation!

While writing this week’s edition, I’m currently on family vacation in San Diego with husband, daughter, son-in-love and Ms. Ever (grand-baby); visiting our son who now lives out here.

TRUE REVEAL: The first day of our vacation, I was still thinking about upcoming deadlines, family shenanigans, and quite honestly; how apparent the divide is amongst all of us as it relates to wearing a mask or not-based on the current local mandates😷

Then day two rolled around and it was a zoo day for the baby and connecting with an old friend over lunch. 

I was gently nudged by my family and friend about how important it is to do all that I’ve (we’ve) been purposed and destined to do (not sure if laundry is included in that list, but ok🙄). I fully recognize that God has some expectations of my life and I desire to meet them all. But there’s also a part of those expectations that include enjoying the fruits of laboring for the Kingdom. Of being a supportive wife and ever present mother, daughter, sister, and friend.

I never want to be so consumed with doing, finishing and accomplishing that I don’t appreciate enjoying, savoring and basking

I’m thankful that God’s word serves as a constant reminder!

So, what are you enjoying, savoring and basking? ✨

There, in the presence of the Lord your God,

you and your families shall eat and shall rejoice

in everything you have put your hand to,

because the Lord your God has blessed you.

Deuteronomy 12:7