Ahead of and With

I’ve been thinking a bit more than normal lately about how God is continually going ahead of me in situations

Not sure if you’ve ever had this experience, but I can personally attest to walking into a room or reading an important document and knowing that He had gone ahead of me and made His presence known. 

Not sure what I mean? 

Try stepping in front of a crowd of people that are expecting you to impart some degree of knowledge about or experience with a particular subject, but your notes just don’t seem as appropriate then as they did the night before. 

Or maybe every symptom you have is text book for something that the doctor suggests requires additional testing and the results will be sent to you upon confirmation. 

For those of us that have been at THAT podium or have opened THAT piece of mail or email to read results; we know without a doubt that God had gone ahead of us!! 

And because He’s omnipresent, while He was moving on our behalf ahead of the situation, He was also right there by our side reminding us that we’re never alone. Assuring us that no matter the situation, He’s yet in control! 

Ahead of and with, all at the same time!! Who wouldn’t serve a God like that!?

Do not be afraid or discouraged,

for the Lord will personally go ahead of you.

He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you.”

Deuteronomy 31:8

New Living Translation