BOOst of Positivity. Mood BOOst!

Hey y’all! Short post today - I figured with this month’s theme, I would share 5 simple things you can do that can immediately boost your mood! Feel free to try any of these or create your own, but I challenge you to try at least one of them for the rest of the week!

Here are mine: 

  1. Go outside! This is weather permitting, of course. Even if it’s just for a few minutes, getting out of the house can really help free our minds and it doesn’t hurt being able to take in all of these fall colors starting to show!

  2. Find something that makes you laugh! This could be a YouTube video, telling a joke, or anything else you may find funny!

  3. Make someone else laugh! This is one of my favorites. It can work wonders for both people.

  4. Pray/meditate. There’s something special about pressing pause on everything for a moment to talk to God. This also usually serves as a great reminder that we’re not doing this alone.

  5. Bonus: recall at least one thing that you have in this moment that you did not have at this same time last year that you are grateful for. It’s so easy to forget growth but reminding ourselves can be so humbling!

In this crazy world, positivity can sometimes seem fleeting, so there’s nothing wrong with needing a little boost every now and then 



Tammy Barnett