Be Grateful for the Disruption

by: Tayana Holland

For a person where “time” and “schedules” tends to be a thread throughout my day, I am learning to be more grateful for the disruptions that may seem to just “pop up.” You see, I have been trained that on time is late and 15 mins early is on time. My professional training thrives off of planned schedules and specific times which only adds to my personal awareness of time.

Recently I encountered a situation that truly made me grateful for the disruption. I was traveling to my destination with my daughter when I realized I left my phone at home. Already late (according to my standards) my daughter suggests I turnaround to go get my phone. I am now upset thinking about being off schedule and how important is my phone, I turn around and go back home. As I hurry up the steps to grab the phone, I turn my head and realize I left a candle burning in a corner. I was truly thankful that things did not go as planned.

In that moment, I paused and offered gratitude and thanksgiving for my moment of disruption.

“In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”  I Thessalonians 5:18


Tayana Holland


Fun Facts:

I love family

I love to travel

I love to sit and watch the ocean with my feet in the sand.

Tammy Barnett