Bag of Nuts...

Families are like fudge, mostly sweet with a few NUTS.png

     This phrase was clearly intended to describe my immediate and extended family. And I’m certain the author had just left a funeral, wedding, or holiday gathering when he or she coined it.

     There’s something about these occasions that seem to bring out the very best or very worst of relatives. Now, there’s the family life cycle perspective that simply stated, suggest these events require family members to experience stress and anxiety at a heightened level, therefore triggering other emotional reactions...yada, yada, yada...........While my many years of education in psychology require me to subscribe to this theory for the most part; I’m more inclined to agree with the quote, but I would change it up justtttt a bit and make it personal...

     “My family and I are like fudge, we’re usually fairly sweet, but can get realllll nutty at times🤣” 
     Now, that “nutty” part that I mentioned ranges from nutty = hilarious, to nutty = why is ___ still staring at the tv? We cut it off three hours ago.

     Seriously though, I wouldn’t change my peeps for nothing in the world. Others can sometimes let you down, but family is there through it all! 

      You can have your box of chocolates, and I’ll keep my bag of nuts!

“Friends love all the time, and kinsfolk are born for times of trouble.”
— — Proverbs 17:17