Are You Sure There's A Rainbow?

By guest writer Patty Davis

If you're like me, you've been reading this month’s “Rainbows after Rain” newsletters and feel inspired by the amazing women that have pushed through their personal challenges to get to their metaphorical rainbow.

When Tammy asked if I'd be interested in writing for this monthly topic, I had to laugh... There has been so much "rain" (challenges) in my life the last few weeks/months, that I had to question how I was going to possibly write about a rainbow being at the end of all of this. As I remind myself now of the struggles I've been through lately, I literally can't help but think- ARE YOU SURE THERE'S A RAINBOW AFTER THIS?  Dear God, did you forget to put a rainbow at the end of my rain!?!!??

In moments like these I find peace in the serenity prayers/phrases below: 

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference,
living one day at a time; enjoying one moment at a time;
taking this world as it is and not as I would have it."   


No amount of guilt can change the past,
 no amount of worry can change the future.

And as I start to calm myself down (usually by creating way too many To-Do lists) I realize something... I'm missing the rainbow because I'm so stuck pouring attention into every single thing going wrong. Is there already a rainbow? The hot cup of morning coffee, the warm showers, the weekend time with family, the little moments with my constantly-supportive fiancé: maybe there are rainbows throughout it all. A rainbow or light at the end of the tunnel doesn't have to be this huge life-altering event that finally makes you happy. Maybe it's a choice. So, wherever you are in life at this moment: do you want to make that choice with me?

Since I'm the last guest writer before May, we're about to switch into the new monthly theme of “Blossoming Into More” and invite you to do that with us. Let's blossom into our greatest potential and leave behind the worries and stresses of today for a brighter tomorrow. Ugh, Patty, SO much easier said than done! 

Meet Patty Davis:
Patty is a marketing professional from Traverse City, MI. She is the social media coordinator of Unwrapping Imperfection and has had the pleasure of working with Dr. Tammy Barnett for 4 years. She enjoys graphic design, fitness, running, and supporting her fiancé, Matt, as he chases his NFL dreams.