We’re in the final stretch...

Waking up on Tuesday and paying particular attention to the date was a little interesting for me. And by “interesting”, I mean this—-Staring at DECEMBER 1 on my phone and desk calendar gave me such a sense of calm...I’ll be honest, it was a little weird at first. 

You see, for me, the beginning of December usually signifies: 

       *Checking off those last few items on my Christmas shopping list (I shop all year for gifts, rarely asking friends & friends what they want—That’s no fun)

       *Finalizing Christmas Dinner details (Who’s going to host and most importantly, who’s putting on the Santa Suit this year for the wee ones in the family )

       *Putting in a lot of effort to avoid my New Year’s resolution page in my journal from the previous year (My completion/success rate is usually around 85%,  but hey, 45% in 2020 isn’t THAT bad, right)

......And so on and so on... 

But this December 1st is different for a multitude of reasons...We’re doing a virtual family Secret Santa, with the gift opening occurring while we have a virtual family dinner on Christmas Eve and I’m not sure if the little people in the family care much about seeing Santa on their phone/computer screens—Most of their schools have had them locked into those far more than they normally would have been...

But you know, I was a bit taken aback when I looked at what I call my “What I’m Going To Do In 2020” list—And not because I had not completed over half of my goals & desires, but because for the first time in a LONG TIME, it didn’t even matter to me. 

2020 presented challenges that [.....................] Everyone has to fill in their own blank! 

HOWEVER, God has been FAITHFUL, my family and I are healthy and [.................] This is the REAL BLANK to fill in....!!!!!!!!!

As I filled in that second blank, I was humbled at how much I realized God had been bigger than the effects of any challenge....

I started or planned on some things that weren’t completed in 2020–And guess what? I’m ok with that....

And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.

— Philippians 1:6 ESV