Regifting Ceremony

Gift: a thing given willingly to someone without payment. A fairly basic and widely used definition.

There’s a giver and receiver.

And in the most typical of cases, the actual thing that is gifted by the giver is not ever gifted back to him/her by the recipient; right?

And I would argue definitely not in the case if the gift is GOOD and PERFECT...That just wouldn’t make sense, agreed?

Well this past weekend, surrounded by an intimate group of family members, that’s what my daughter and son-in-love did.

They unwrapped their beautiful, good and perfect gift from God on January 4th, 2021 as their daughter Ever, was born mid afternoon that day. And as much as I’ve been enjoying the fruit of my daughter’s labor (no pun intended), she is truly a gift that was gladly given back.

As our Pastor conducted the Christening, all that were present understood the significance and respected the sacredness of what Ever’s parents were doing. They were thanking God for the gift and reward of offspring (Psalm 127:3) But more importantly than being thankful recipients, they were honorable givers as they handed her back to God. They were admitting their acceptance as “custodial parents” of Ever😇. And what an amazing event this “regifting” ceremony; Ever’s Christening was...!!!!

No need for a gift bag or a receipt for proof of value.
Everyone in attendance knows just how GOOD and PERFECT this gift is 🎁

How can I participate in regifting something to honor God, and especially for those of us whose baby factories are closed for business😇?

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.
— James 1:17