Learning To Listen

Throughout my week, I regularly check in with God for content to write about. At times, He wakes me up to a thought. Other times He’ll speak to me through His word or a song. But more times than not, He’ll send someone (rarely do they know they’re being sent😇) who will share an experience, ask advice or just mention something that immediately resonates with something inside of me. And I know THAT’S my topic for the week, because I know His voice.

Lately, on repeated occasions, the topic of hearing from Him has come up in conversations. And more specifically, the question of "how do I know it’s Him?" I’ve shared that I wish I had a clever response or a 3-step check list that I could refer to, but I don’t. Truth be told, I’ve just learned to LISTEN.

Through trial and error, I’ve learned to listen better over the years. And for me, listening is not just about hearing, but more about paying attention. 

You see I’m convinced that God SPEAKS to all of us plainly, precisely and punctually! And like any other effective communication, it’s important to know when to speak and when to listen.

The key for me was understanding that unlike a regular conversation where I might talk and then wait for an immediate response; God doesn’t necessarily operate like that. At times, I walk away from Him and there’s complete silence. Nothing. And I used to wonder if He even heard me at all.

Does anyone else feel like that?

He had and He does! He was just listening. And His listening has taught me how to listen better. And so I’m learning to stop with all the talking, repeating and requesting the same things over and over. He hears you and I the first time. 

God’s listening involves orchestrating and implementing the plan He has in store for what we’ve been talking to Him about. Our listening involves spending enough time with Him to know His voice well enough to HEAR His response.

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” 
(John 10:27)

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