I'm Rising Up!!!

Hello All~

I’m hoping each of you has begun your new year with the greatest of expectations!!! 

I believe I’ve previously shared that instead of resolutions, I like to commit to a word or phrase at the beginning of each year. Just a simple practice that keeps me reminded of my vision for the days, weeks, and months between January-December, and especially the ones that I don’t always feel like I can give that 100% of me that I’d like. 

So for 2023, I’ve chosen RISE UP. And every time I think it, say it in my head or out loud; I feel its impact…

I’m going to practice being more intentional about rising up in situations where I may have chosen to blend in with the crowd or majority. I’m going to rise up when I know I can be an asset to getting the job done, but have been content with others trying to figure it out. I’m going to rise up and do the hard work that it takes and not just settle for less-

Simply put, I’m going to use allllll the gifts God has given me to show up as a better version of myself….For me, my family, my friends, my community, and most importantly, my God!!!!

Now, I challenge each of you to join me…What’s your word or phrase, mantra of sorts, that you can commit to for 2023….?

Would love for you to share…

As always, thank you for unwrapping with me….

Tammy Barnett